Given that this would have been Feisal's first Raya in Kuching, it would totally be new. However, it was not to be. I had to capitulate to my parents' wishes of wanting to celebrate Raya here, instead of the usual Kuching. In need of a nice break they chided.
Raya will still be a totally new experience this year, nevertheless. As much as I miss the breezy air of my hometown, the kek-lapis baking and the storming in my neighbour's house at any time; I am grateful for this will be my first Raya together with Feisal and His families.
My Father has already planned what to do and where to go to with Feisal the night of Raya. Mummy and I, on the other hand will be cracking in the kitchen, overlooking the gigantic KLCC. Something different ey.
It will be different as both my brothers and SIL won't be here to share with us the joy of Raya. Different as we will only be surrounded by families instead of our lovely neighbours and friends back home. Different as the short and colourful Raya lights will be hung on the balcony of our apartment as opposed to the countless bulbs needed for Kuching's home. Oh ya, Feisal and I bought ketupat-like lights last night.
Although I miss the comforts of Kuching and its people, InsyaAllah, Raya this year will bring a whole new meaning to a whole new life of Ours as husband and wife, Amin (*wink*). Eid Mubarak to all. *Raya with the crazy in-laws*
Waaaaa, rindu Kek Lapis Mak Su aku........Org Miri x balik KL. Tsk tsk.
Selamat Hari Raya, Ein. Tahun depan dengan Little Feisal/Ein pulak ;)
hehe, thx Nad! Selamat selamat :) Amin, Amin. wei, singapore beb, singapore.. this weekend, argh.
AMIN jugak!! =D
we planned to raya a few days in Kuching too, but altered our plans cos Faizi's granny passed away recently. InsyaAllah Raya Haji! we miss kuching and i wanna go pottery shopping heheh! Dtg rumah tau! i prepare cakes :)
Selamat Hari rayer!! best tak sambut raya dengan suami terchenta?
hehe, Tuan. best Tuan. U pun sure best smbut with isteri terchentaaa ;)
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