Wednesday, January 7

Pan Boy

I'll be flying home later today. And Feisal and I have just dropped my cutie pie off at my cousin's, just two floors away from us. And here I am, away from my bunny, strucked by a phenomenal amount of sadness.

My cousin's unit and ours, its distance is nothing. But I can't come knocking on people's door at 2 a.m. can I? Only to then tell them how much I miss my bunny and needed to see the same right away, after being apart for only five hours. Deranged.

I can't help but imagining him hopping around happily around my feet, silently asking for treats. Delirious.

Sorry for you have to sleep in your cage as opposed to your favourite spot in the living room Pan Boy.

I'm in for a bunny meltdown!


shueyshoelove said...

ala kesiannnnnnn..pan pan yang suka makan makanan kucing.=)

Anonymous said...

ala,kecoh in :P panpan only for 5days jak.jaja 3 freaking weeks woi kt JB !!!!!!!!!!! :(

asniloveschocolate said...

isk.bulu die nanti kena baby. tak bagus.huhu.

Ein said...

hehe, i'm back!! this time pan pan dpt chocolate frm airport as treats Shue ;D bulu dia ok la Asni, tak kacau nye. hehe.

dek..jaja. wo, lamak..