Friday, March 7


In my almost 25 years of living, never have I succumbed to watching any form of spoilers, be it movie's or reality show's, much less tv shows's. Watching spoilers is akin to committing minor sins! Well, Ep. 10 of season 5 aired in the US yesterday. My dear obedient brother downloaded it for the eager me, as had religiously been done for the past 9 weeks.

The usually healthful episode of TreeHill had a converse effect on me this morning, disconcerting me in every imaginable way. Thus it proved TMTH (check this out idol boy; yea that's 'too much to handle'. So long!). There I sat, embroiled in the discontentment with the outcome of ep. 10. Seven excruciatingly long days to go until the next episode (Yes dear people, I have my share of drama when it comes to TreeHill and OC). Be not alarmed.

Under normal circumstances, I would at all times be contented with the ending of every episodes, until this morning's (episode) that is. I was hoping hard that everything would return to normality come the next episode. But I thought to the fiendishly disturbed me; I have got to do better than just hoping hard.

There I sat, encased in my pile of pillows, less enamoured with the prospect of a disastrous outcome in the next episode. (At this juncture, you must be saying to yourself; come on, finish up your story already you dramatic tweet). The brilliant idea of watching the spoiler came to my mind, thus obviating the need for a week of ardous contemplation. Not that I have not enough things to worry about already.

So there, I capitulated to my nearly 25 years of principle; to never ever succumb to watching spoilers for it diminishes every speck of surprise element and mind you, it's a great deal to me. Oh what the heck, it was only a need-to-know basis. And you guessed it right; everything returned to normalcy after. But, my question is; how many spoiler/s did I actually watch? (Read with the utmost scrutiny).