Monday, September 10

It is one thing to read about people doing unfathomable things, quite another to be witnessing them yourself. I had never known myself as someone who is capable of experiencing supremely, monstrous hatred. But quivering with repressed hatred I was, weirdly enough towards strangers. It didn't happen once, but twice.

I was, as on any other day, waiting for the shuttle to get to Uni. As usual, Terminal Putra was replete with students of UIA. Shoulders away from me sat a man in his immaculate attire (heading to UIA as well). Minutes later, shouldering loaded canvas bags, an umbrella hung on one of them, appeared a man whose physical condition indicates feebleness. Whilst walking towards the bus, without him realizing, the umbrella fell. Right before the immaculately attired man. And also some other students. At the moment of this discovery, I was confident that they would alert the poor old man by graciously picking up the latter's umbrella and handing it to him. Sadly, they did nothing of that kind..

On a different day (thankfully) on my way home, in the as-usual-full LRT sat two young ladies dressed in pretty kebayas, happily chatting. An old lady, also with bags on her shoulder came right in, standing (desperately balancing herself) right before the two SEATED ladies. It doesn't take a genius to claim that these ladies had indeed noticed the existence of the poor old lady who was the nearest and most direct to the ladies i.e. right in front. But chatting happily and unforgivably they still did. My desperate murmurs to win the old lady one of the ladies' seats were disregarded by them. And the old lady was still standing when I disembarked from the LRT..

You see, what good is your Degree (which is of course, just a paper qualification) or your immaculate style or your pretty faces if you can't even pay a speck of respect towards the elderly.
You people should have been swept up and be taken away to the ash bins!! Now that should do the trick.